The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.

The day she gave birth to her son was the happiest day of her life. Her happiness knew no bounds as she held him for the first time. She was a part of the childcare and child psychology unit and knew how to raise babies. Unlike other mothers, she felt more confident because of her profession. However, her happiness didn’t last for long.

Your life will never be the same once you are a mother

As soon as she returned home after childbirth, she observed a major shift in the behavior and attitude of her family. Suddenly, every elderly lady in the family was explaining to her how to raise babies. She was criticized for everything from holding the baby to feeding, bathing and even making him sleep. She was the one who used to explain these things to her patients and now the roles were reversed.

She was so filled with anger that she wanted to scream, complain, and oppose but could not. It wasn’t easy to speak in front of the elders. She felt uneasy and tried to let the situation go but in vain.

The anger started bottling up inside her. With every passing moment, she felt more and more angry.

The experience that transformed her emotions.

Soon after, she caught jaundice. The situation was getting out of hand as her LFT was highly elevated. Her SGOT and SGPT shot beyond 5000 and for once her health was out of control with this new mother. Even after rigorous treatment for several weeks, the disease was not cured.

However, later it proved to be a turning point in her life.

The Case of the Old Man is somewhat Similar

An old man had planned his retirement well and lived peacefully until his son borrowed a large sum from his father. The son needed this amount for some investment where he expected a good return. Things were okay till the son lost the money.

The old man expected his son to return the money as promised, but the son refused. Despite being bothered about returning the money to his father, he continued living a luxurious life.

Holding on to anger

You must have heard the quote that says holding on to anger is like drinking poison.

The old man was furious now. He had lost not only his money but his faith and love. The world around him shattered and so did his faith in his son. He felt so angry that this made the old man sick. He fell ill and developed serious liver cirrhosis. The disease spread at a rapid rate and soon the old man was bedridden. He tried several treatments but nothing worked out.

How did our Personal Treatment Program (PTP) help both of them?

As you know, communication and conversation is the first step to our treatment. We take our ‘case-taking’ job seriously and make the patient discuss every aspect of his/her life.

Our PTPs are based on the mapping of the five senses. We not only study the physical symptoms but conduct deep research on all five senses of the body (sight, smell, hearing, touch and speech) including the body and the soul. These five senses are the five elements of the universe and everything that happens in and around, lies in between these five senses. And that’s how we provide the best Homeopathic Treatment in Ludhiana.

When Dr. Muktinder Singh talked to the new mother he observed a sense of anger in her. The anger ‘emotion’ was so strong that it took over all other emotions and stole her happiness. Despite focusing on the baby, she put all her energy into piling up anger and hating the elderly ladies around her.

How Anger Affects your health?

Her reports indicated that her liver was not working properly. Her anger affected her liver and proved to be the root cause of the jaundice.

Upon talking to the doctor, the lady realized that as time passed, the interference of her parents increased and so did her frustration. The anger began to arise in her mind.

“How can they tell a doctor how to care for her child?” This thought made her furious. Each time her mother or sister told her some childcare tips, she felt angrier.

It was the outrage that made her sick to the core.

We did not treat her jaundice but we treated the anger and the jaundice was automatically cured.

The case of the old man is somewhat similar. His anger towards his son made him sick. Over time, with the help of our treatment, he moved on from the situation and forgave his son. Letting the anger go proved to be a life-changing decision for him. His health was restored in a few months.

The above two cases are examples of how anger directly affects your liver and causes digestion issues.

When anger rises, think of the consequences

Liver problems have become quite common these days. Every other person suffers from digestive issues. The excessive anger and irritability result in multiple ailments including Type 1 and Type 2 fatty liver.

It is often said that alcohol and a heavy diet damage your liver but this is not the complete truth. Excessive anger is a bigger culprit.

It is the lifestyle, the work-life imbalance, the excessive pressure and the race to win over our peers has affected us badly. It is our day-to-day issues that have thrown us into the pool of serious illnesses.

The basic principle behind PTPs is the mapping of five human senses we all are made up of. The balance of these five senses represents health while any kind of imbalance gives birth to disease. The kind of disease depends on which specific sense is imbalanced. We study these five energies plus the mind and the soul and aim to create a balance. Thus we provide Chronic Condition Treatment in Ludhiana.

We not only prescribe accurate treatments but focus on diagnosing and treating the root causes of the disease. We do not suppress the illness by treating the symptoms but, treat the root cause so that one does not have to face the same problem again.